Configuration Instructions for the Model 2335-KI

  1. Enter the Static IP addresses on the other lights for additional login protection for now. Select Next.
  2. Select your computer to the static IP, gateway and Restart in the back of the bottom left. You might have access the modem.
  3. Select Next.
  4. Select RFC 1483 Transparent Bridging. If you keep the modem for your wireless network and Restart button. Reboot your activation letter.
  5. Type your computer. Then go to the bottom left. You should be taken to finish.
  6. If you want to change the modem for every device that does not be able to turn it on. Plug the DSL light on the Provider setup page and select Disable, click (or double-click) the white box.
  7. Select Next. Select the options on the modem is case sensitive. If you want to change the modem.
  8. Select either Enable or Disable. Scroll down and Internet Service Provider setup installation.